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Different Ways eSIM is Helping Remote Work

Now that we're even deeper into the digital age, we're seeing more and more people working remotely. This new norm which is being accepted by employers is changing the workforce structure forever. Now it is common to find powerful and effective teams working from different parts of the globe, connecting through online workspaces, Wi-Fi and eSIMs, and adapting to new remote working trends while connecting in-person once or twice a year.  

Many people are embracing remote working for a plethora of reasons. For one, you can have a more flexible schedule, you get to have more room to grow your career, you have control over your work-life balance, and you save money and energy on commute and other factors.

With that being said, it will come with no surprise if companies fully embrace this change since the benefits aren't only apparent to the employees but also to employers. Remote working saves companies an average of $22,000 per employee annually since you save up on office space, utility costs, food, transport allowances, and more.

But with the challenges of remote work, companies are looking for new connectivity solutions, such as integrating eSIM API, to bridge noticeable connectivity gaps for a more global & mobile, remote teams.

The Different Challenges of Mobile Workforce Connectivity

Challenge #1: The Need to Have Constant Connectivity

Perhaps the biggest challenge for a remote workforce is connectivity. The very bloodline of remote work lies solely on constant connectivity to your colleagues and access to critical information. Because of this, workers need to be constantly connected to their team and files for better, faster, and efficient communication, no matter where they are. And fortunately, eSIM is here to help remote work.

Nowadays, eSIMs are integrated into work phones and laptops, allowing teams to stay connected anytime and anywhere. This makes the job of a remote worker a lot easier, allowing them to be at ease and focus on getting the job done. Not to mention, eSIM technology also makes international collaboration a breeze when working abroad.

Challenge #2: Logistical Issues of a Mobile Workforce

When you work remotely, you don't need to choose a place to settle down. However, for a company to access its employees when they need them, you'll need constant connectivity.

Fortunately, eSIM technology encourages full digitalization of SIM card management, allowing companies to equip its employees with seamless and global connectivity using eSIM QR codes. This virtually simplifies remote work logistics of keeping your team connected, as well as reduces operational costs.

Challenge #3: Merging Mobility with Cybersecurity

While we want our teams to be agile and competitive in a saturated business landscape, you shouldn't forget the importance of cybersecurity.

Managing a mobile workforce also means managing their work phone and other digital devices, ensuring that all information stays secure. With that being said, you'll need such devices to be connected using secure wireless internet which can be provided by cellular eSIM versus unsecured public Wi-Fi. This will allow companies to maintain the security & integrity of their online systems. Fortunately, integrating the proper eSIM API can help your team establish better security practices by utilizing encrypted cellular networks on-demand, and avoid public Wi-Fi and it’s vulnerabilities.

The Bottom Line: When It Comes to Managing a Remote Workforce, Having eSIMs is an Effective Solution

As we have seen from the three main challenges of a mobile workforce, eSIM technology effectively eliminates the challenges of remote work. With eSIM API allowing your company to offer on-demand, secure, and international wireless connectivity, you'll get to create an effective, productive, and powerful online workspace that will allow you to communicate, engage, share, and connect with workers in any part of the globe.

How Can We Help?

CELITECH is the world's leading digital-only connectivity platform that offers global cellular data through web apps and API. Reach out to learn how we can help your company improve connectivity perks ROI using eSIM technology.

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